5 Candidate Experience Mistakes That Are Costing You Top Talent  


In today’s hyper-competitive job market, can you afford to lose top talent because of avoidable mistakes? Your candidate experience is often the first impression of your company—and if you’re getting it wrong, you might be driving away the very people you want to hire. Here are five common candidate experience mistakes that could be costing you the best talent—and how to fix them. 

1.  Lengthy and Complicated Application Processes 

A long, complicated application process can be a major deterrent for top candidates. Did you know that 60% of job seekers have quit an application process because it was too lengthy or complex? Don’t let your process be the reason you lose top talent. 

LaSalle’s Solution:

Simplify your application process by reducing the number of steps and making it mobile-friendly. Implement an auto-fill option for forms and ensure candidates can complete the application quickly and efficiently to keep them engaged. 

2. Lack of Communication and Transparency

Candidates value transparency and clear communication. When candidates submit an application and hear nothing back for weeks, it leaves them feeling undervalued and frustrated, pushing them to seek opportunities elsewhere. 

LaSalle’s Solution:

Set clear expectations from the start. Send timely updates on the status of their application (these can be automated!), and provide a realistic timeline for the hiring process. Even if a candidate isn’t moving forward, a respectful and timely update shows you value their time and interest. 

3. Lack of Preparation   

A generic, impersonal interview can make candidates feel like just another number. Candidates want to feel respected and know the company is genuinely interested in them as individuals. 

LaSalle’s Solution:

Personalize the interview process. Review the candidate’s resume beforehand and tailor your questions to their specific experiences and skills. Make sure every candidate receives a warm welcome and clear information about the interview process before it begins.  

4. Poorly Timed or Overly-Complex Assessments

Assessments can be a powerful tool to filter qualified candidates, but timing and transparency are key. If assessments are too long, complex, or presented too early in the process, candidates might lose interest or feel undervalued. 

LaSalle’s Solution

Be transparent with candidates about why the assessment is necessary and how it directly relates to the role. Make sure it’s concise and relevant to the job’s requirements. Introduce assessments at the right stage—after gauging the candidate’s interest—to avoid deterring qualified applicants too soon. Providing feedback post-assessment can also enhance the candidate’s experience and keep top talent engaged. 

5. Poor Onboarding Experience 

The candidate experience doesn’t end with an accepted offer. A poor onboarding experience can lead to early attrition, especially if new hires feel unprepared or disconnected. 

LaSalle’s Solution
  • Create a comprehensive onboarding process that is welcoming and informative. Provide new hires with the tools and information they need from day one, and assign mentors to help them navigate their new role and integrate into the company culture. 

Your candidate experience is a critical component of your employer brand. Don’t let small mistakes cost you big opportunities. If you’re hiring, we can help. Contact our team today.  

About LaSalle Network

LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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