5 Simple Ways to Kick-Off the New Year Right

Forget “Happy New Year” and make this a happy You Year. Don’t worry, you don’t have to move mountains right off the bat. These simple, yet powerful steps will set the stage for your year (and might just make you a better human). Here are five ways to ramp up your resolutions and start 2024 on the right foot:

  1. Jot Down your Goals:

You’ll be 42% more likely to achieve them. While they are still fresh in your mind, jot them down in a journal or create a vision board. Writing down your goals will help you stay accountable and give your dreams the boost they need to become reality.

After you’ve recorded your goals, be sure to think about how you’ll achieve them. Include bullets under each larger vision of mini milestones, and a timeline to hold yourself accountable. Put it in your schedule to revisit your goals each month and monitor your progress. This will help you reach your resolutions.

  1. Carry out an Act of Kindness:

A small act can go a long way. Whether it’s surprising someone with flowers, buying coffee for the person behind you or giving up your seat on a crowded bus or train, thoughtful gestures can make someone else’s day. Start the year by spreading smiles, and make yourself happier in the process. According to a study at the University of British Columbia, random acts of kindness can help decrease stress and increase happiness over time. Performing these easy gestures leads to more positivity, relationship satisfaction and lower anxiety levels.

  1. De-Clutter your Life:

What better time than the new year to de-clutter? Take 15 minutes out of your day to clean up your workspace, closet or inbox to start 2024 feeling fresh and organized. If countless emails are overwhelming, start with prioritizing urgent messages and deleting older ones that have been collecting dust. An inbox overhaul will save you time sifting through emails and allow you to focus on more important messages.

Tidying up your workspace is also crucial to kick-start your year. Getting rid of those coffee cups on the corner of your desk, sorting through your drawers and removing dust will increase your efficiency and help you focus. Be sure to get out the Clorox and wipe down your workspace and keyboard.

  1. Unplug for 15 minutes:

Sometimes the best way to recharge is to unplug. Set aside a few minutes a day to meditate or get lost in a book. Starting a meditation practice can reduce stress, improve concentration and promote self-awareness. Here’s more from our CEO on New Year’s resolutions for your mind.

If you’d rather opt outside, you’re in luck. According to Harvard University, making time for fresh air increases your intake of vitamin D, elevates your mood and may help you heal faster. The average American spends 90% of their life indoors, but when you get away from your desk and go outside, you’ll reap the benefits of natural light.

  1. Reconnect with an Old Friend:

We could all use more connection in our lives. Give that friend who lost touch a call or FaceTime with a family member. There are several benefits to beginning the new year with old memories.

Friends are a fundamental part of our lives, and catching up can build your network, (or at the very least, spark some smiles). By reminiscing about the past, you’ll remind yourself of lessons learned and may even rekindle a valuable friendship.


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About LaSalle Network

LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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