While open enrollment season has come to an end, Human Resources leaders shouldn’t check this off their list just yet. Now is the best time to set yourself up for a successful open enrollment in 2020. Here’s what to do now:
Store Smartly: Make sure all documentation (forms, emails, online enrollments) is stored somewhere that will be easily accessible at any point throughout the year ahead.
Reconcile Deductions: After the first payroll post the benefits effective date, reconcile all the deductions to ensure employee deduction amounts are correct.
Post-Mortem Meeting: Within the first month of when open enrollment wraps up, hold a meeting with the entire team, ensuring that everyone who played a role is present. Before meeting, ask them to write down everything that they believe did and didn’t go well. Share openly as a group and preface the meeting that the goal is to learn and be better for the year ahead. Make a digital copy of all thoughts and ideas shared to reference in 2020.
Ask for Feedback: Select a group of employees across positions and tenure who you trust would give honest feedback. Ask them what they enjoyed most and least about open enrollment. What was confusing and what was explained clearly? Add these notes to the post-mortem document to reference in the future.
New Vendor? If you recently began working with a new vendor or plan to before the next open enrollment season, make sure you know what their open enrollment process is like now so you can plan more accurately in the year ahead.
Are you looking to change your broker in the New Year or want to learn more about what benefits top talent wants? Learn more from our sister company, LaSalle Benefits, here.