5 Tips for Newly Promoted Managers

After working hard, staying late and producing results, your boss gives you a promotion! Now, you may have one person or a team of folks looking to you for direction… And if you’re honest with yourself, you may not be 100% prepared.

Whether you’re managing one person or 15 people, adjusting to your new role as a manager can be a learning process. Especially if you’re managing your peers now. Follow these 5 tips to make it a smooth transition.

Address the awkwardness: 

Be upfront with your team about the transition and address the fact that you went from being a peer to a manager. Take them to coffee or a drink to talk about, address the subject head on, and move forward.

Gain respect: 

Earn respect by sustaining a culture of accountability and productivity. Show the rest of the company you have what it takes to be successful. Show them your commitment to your new role. In addition, don’t be afraid to roll up your sleeves and show staff you are still in the trenches with them.

Find a mentor: 

Find a manager who was promoted in your company and ask them for advice and guidance. You can learn from their struggles and accomplishments within the company.

Be yourself: 

You were promoted for a reason. Make sure to stay true to who you are, remember you are great at your job, you bring a unique viewpoint and work ethic and that’s why you have excelled in the company, and gotten where you are today.

Do your research: 

Read everything about management and leadership you can. Learn about different types of leadership and the management styles of famous leaders like Jack Welch and Steve Jobs. After doing your research, create your own style.



About LaSalle Network

LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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