5 Tips to Thrive in Your First Career

Graduation has come and gone, and now it’s time to start preparing for your first career. Whether you already have a job lined up, or are in the process of job hunting, you probably have nervous butterflies at the thought of your first day. We’ve all been there, so we asked some of our more seasoned LaSallians for advice on how to thrive in your first career.

1. Be curious and ask questions.

“Want to learn everything there is to know about how the business operates, regardless of what your position is. Be curious about your role. Read books from authors in the industry, subscribe to e-newsletters, ask to meet with industry leaders to learn and grow.”— Heather Youkhana, Public Relations Manager

Your formal education may be over, but that doesn’t mean the learning should stop. You have entered the professional world and are surrounded by opportunities to learn and grow, so dig in! Be curious about your role, your company, and the industry you are in.

2. Learn the culture.

“Absorb as much as you can from anywhere and everywhere in the organization. Quick success is in the nuances, and you’ll engrain yourself in the culture of the organization much more quickly.”— Maddie Stough, Unit Manager, Human Resources

Take in your surroundings and assess the culture at your new organization. Every company’s culture is different, and it will take some getting used to. Shadow your co-workers and pay attention to details so you’ll be able to contribute to the culture right away.

3. Just Google it!

“When you are new, you should want to ask a lot of questions. However, before asking your boss or your peer a question, think to yourself, “Can I Google it?”— Gage Nordlof, Associate Manager of Training and Development

Questions are good. But if you can find the answer easily online, do your research first. Your boss will appreciate you taking the initiative to find your own solution first.

4. Find mentors to look up to.

“Surround yourself with those who will challenge you within the workplace and outside the workplace. Be around people who are interested in what is going on within your business community, the U.S., and the world.”— Rob Trzcinski, Senior Business Development Manager

Don’t be intimidated to approach someone you look up to and ask them questions about their career. Ask them to grab coffee. By doing this, you will show your initiative and desire to learn and grow.

5. Be patient and work hard.

“Don’t expect to be promoted right away, you have to earn it! Trust your instincts and follow your gut. Ask questions and use those around you who have more experience.”— Jayme Schrieffer, Director of Major Accounts

Success does not happen overnight, but that should not discourage you. It should encourage you to continue working your way up! While it may be challenging at times, it will make accomplishments that much better. Keep your head down and work hard, it will not go unnoticed.

Want to grow your career at LaSalle Network? Find out how! 

About LaSalle Network

LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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