What 8 Managers Wish They Had Known


Becoming a manager for the first time isn’t easy; it adds a new set of responsibilities and challenges to the employee’s role, and they have to learn a lot of lessons, fast. Sometimes employees who were top producers aren’t able to translate their skills into management.

New managers: we can empathize. So we asked eight of LaSalle Network’s managers to share what they wish they’d known when they first became managers.



Sirmara Campbell Twohill

Chief Human Resources Officer

Managing is never one size fits all. You have to change up the way you manage individuals. What works for one person does not work for the next. You have to figure out what motivates each person and act accordingly.



Maureen Hoersten

Chief Operations Officer

What I wish I knew then… to not be afraid.

Afraid of door knocking and what people would say – no one cares!
Afraid of telling a client no – they like honesty!
Afraid of a tough conversation – most are easier than you expect!
Afraid to deliver bad news – bad news is a part of life and business. It happens all the time!

There are so many things that people can be afraid of in business, but at the end of the day, if you are nice and honest, nothing is so detrimental that it can’t be fixed (for the most part)…  AND it’s usually not as bad as you think!



Lawrence Casas

Chief Financial Officer

Throughout your career you’ll be faced with questions you don’t know the answer to. When that happens, don’t try to guess or make up an answer; it will always backfire on you. It’s okay to say, “I don’t know the answer. But I’ll find out and get back to you with the answer.” Then actually go find the answer AND be sure to get back to them in a timely basis. That’s how you build credibility and trust with clients, customers, and the people you manage.


Jessica Schaeffer

Senior Director of Marketing

Read everything about management and leadership you can. Learn about different types of leadership and the management styles of famous leaders (Jack Welch, Steve Jobs, etc). Do your research, and then realize your style may be nothing like theirs, and create your own.

It will take time and there will be bumps along the way. Be honest about your struggles and shortcomings, and ask a ton of questions of those leaders who inspire you.


Jason Siegel

Director of Healthcare Partnerships 

Even if I think I can do it better I have to take the time to train or just let the junior people handle the task. Proper delegation is the key to sustainable growth, and if you’re not able to trust your team to do the tasks you give them, growth will either slow down or become non-existent.
This is something I still have trouble with sometimes. With our fast moving business it can be tough not taking over!

Devan Hines

Senior Director, Call Center and Accounting and Finance
What I wish I knew then……
I wish I would have known how important perspective can be in every situation. We often discuss putting yourself in other people’s shoes. When faced with staff management challenges such as attitude, execution, or ability to complete a task, having perspective matters. I think about where the person is mentally, their background/training, and what they have accomplished in the past; all of this is vital for knowing how to guide them in the current situation.
Keeping those factors in mind helps me have perspective on why a certain issue may come up or why it was handled a certain way, and sometimes it helps me see how to be a better manager, too.

Ryan Chabus


One of the aspects of management that has stood out in my short stint is the importance of providing feedback on delegated tasks, good or bad, on a regular basis.
As a manager, overseeing and reviewing becomes more common than being in the trenches. My team is eager to receive feedback on completed projects. This is both beneficial for the individual and the manager because it grants me the opportunity to praise them or provide constructive criticism. By doing so, you acknowledge their hard work, and you help them grow.

About LaSalle Network

LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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