Five Lessons to Learn from our Favorite Teachers


Teacher and Students


Today we want to reflect on our favorite teachers. What were they like? Did they do whatever they could to help their students succeed? Teachers have a lot of responsibility, they come to work every day prepared to teach their students something new. We admire teachers and their ability to help others do their best. How can we be more like teachers in our careers and help co-workers grow and succeed? Take a look at five characteristics the best teachers have, and how to start applying those characteristics to any career.


Think back to your favorite teacher, were they willing to help when you needed it? Did they come in early or stay late just to ensure you understood a concept? Transfer that to a career!

Be available to co-workers whenever they need you. Showing others you are reliable will encourage them to ask questions, seek help with problems, and discuss new ideas.


A teacher’s job is to be knowledgeable about the subject they teach, to know and understand concepts so well that they can relay that information to their students, and answer any questions students may have. Be an expert in your industry!

Keep up to date with industry news. Read industry related articles, go to seminars and workshops and be a sponge to new ideas. Always seek opportunities to grow and expand, and then be willing to share that knowledge and educate others.


Did your favorite teacher come up with creative ways to digest new material? Did they encourage you to be imaginative when approaching a project? Use those skills in your career!

Be an innovator, don’t follow the norm, and think outside of the box. When approaching situations, take risks and come up with creative solutions. There is always room to improve something in the work place, so don’t be afraid to innovate!


Remember how your favorite teachers always greeted each student with a smile? Be that way towards co-workers!

Come into the office with a smile, ready to make the best of the day. Be enthusiastic and eager to educate others on something new. Get to the office early, and stay late. Be happy to learn more, and excited to teach. When others reach out for advice, be enthusiastic in helping.


Think back to those days when there was a hard equation, and it seemed like every student in class asked the teacher a different question, the best teachers responded with patience. Make sure to respond with patience in the workplace!

Take your time when working with co-workers. If you feel overwhelmed take a deep breath and approach the situation calm and collected. Stressful situations will occur throughout the day, be able to tolerate the stress, and never turn someone away when they have an issue.  

Happy National Teachers Day!


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LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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