Kasey's 11th Rebirthday

Happy 11th Rebirthday, Kasey!


Kasey's 11th Rebirthday


What has been your professional progression at LaSalle?

I’ve always been in support and “behind the scenes” roles. I started as an Office Assistant in our Schaumburg office, then I was the Senior Office Assistant. I moved up to Quality Assurance Specialist, so I was doing a lot of auditing, compliance, and background checks.  Then from there I moved up to Office Manager, followed by my most recent role as Executive Assistant.


What is your first memory of LaSalle? 

It’s more of a feeling I had during my first week as an Office Assistant… I remember thinking they’ve been so nice to me and they’re giving me a shot, the least I could do is try to prove I was worth that shot.


What is your favorite thing about working at LaSalle?

One favorite thing? I’ll narrow it down to a couple… Each day is different for me even though I do similar things each day. Other than my family, my favorite people are here. The ones that make me smile and laugh and care about me.


What does LaSalle mean to you?

LaSalle means opportunity. It means home. It means greatness, something I (and all of us should) take pride in and boast about. It means bleeding green. It’s a team sport, not an individual one.


What has been your proudest moment at LaSalle?

Hard to say… I’ve been so incredibly proud when I’ve been promoted, but I’m also proud of reaching the decade mark last year. That was a pretty sweet moment that I couldn’t wait for.


What do you hope to conquer in the next 365 days?

Truthfully, I want to win the Making It Happen award badly. All the people who win this award are dedicated and motivated.


What does celebrating a rebirthday mean to you?

It means I did it! I’ve earned the right to stay and reach another rebirthday, and I’ll never ever stop so that I can keep reaching more.


What has been the most unexpected thing about LaSalle?

How much I rely on LaSalle. I rely on LaSalle to give me professional purpose. I rely on LaSalle to make me feel like I did something that helped the company.

About LaSalle Network

LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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