The No.1 Thing Graduates Want that Companies Aren’t Sharing

Our newest report, “What the Class of 2023 Wants,” shares year-over-year data comparisons on what each class for the last eight years has been looking for in their first role and company after graduating, as well as tips for how to maximize hiring efforts for this valuable talent group. Download the full report today. 



For the last seven years, graduates have reported growth opportunities as one of the most desired elements they want in a future company. This year, not only is career progression wanted, it is wanted quickly, with the majority of graduating seniors reporting they expect a promotion within their first year on the job. 

Addressing candidates’ desire for development is essential to attract motivated applicants and minimize candidate drop off. Below, we share how to showcase training and development to keep this talent group engaged throughout two critical times within the hiring process.  

Talent Attraction: 

Learning and development should be highlighted at every stage of the recruitment process. Consider including an overview of training and educational resources provided to employees in job descriptions online.

Many candidates check the social media of a company before an interview, so consider posting content on social pages and on the company website that highlights career progression and training opportunities. Consider showcasing particular employees on social media that grew their careers within the organization and how. If you’re looking for inspiration, take a peek at our ‘Grow With Us’ campaign. Also consider posting about promotions or awards, highlighting staff who earned recognition. Because Gen Z are digital natives, social media and other web content is a powerful way to help attract this talent group to apply. 

During the Interview Process: 

In interviews, ask candidates about their desire for growth and share what support is available to them. If there are specific training programs – such as a classroom-style training every employee goes through, software specific training, one-on-one mentorship or an online Learning Management System (LMS) for self-guided training, share whatever educational opportunities are available. Also highlight if there are tuition reimbursement benefits, budgets allotted per person for outside training, or other relevant benefits.  

Give a brief overview of what is included in the onboarding process of the role during the interview, as well. What will their first 30 to 90 days look like on the job, and what trainings and resources will be available to them. 

Consider including team members who have grown their careers within the company into interviews to share how they did it. Speaking one-on-one with those who took advantage of the growth opportunities within the company can help candidates envision what their own career progression could look like. Consider asking these employees to highlight particular mentorships or training programs that were beneficial to them, while also answering the candidate’s questions. 

During Onboarding: 

3 in 10 new employees leave a job within the first 90 days. For some, this is due to realizing the job or company is not a good fit, and others may realize they do not have the necessary skills to handle the day-to-day responsibilities of the role. Help build new hires’ confidence by providing adequate training and showcasing the continued education and support available to them as they learn the role. Keep them engaged by discussing growth opportunities and how their role may evolve. If not already included in the onboarding process, consider implementing a cultural orientation to the organization, introduction to the team, and a role overview. Make sure new hires know who to go to with questions and how to find resources they need. 

Introduce new hires to their team and share how key team members and leaders grew their careers within the company. These new team members will benefit by understanding the roles and responsibilities of their colleagues, and also will learn who they can go to for support. Helping them understand what growth looks like in the corporate world and providing examples of strong employees to learn from can help build confidence. Showcasing teammates’ progression can also encourage new employees to watch those with strong work ethics and hopefully emulate them.  

Consider sitting down with new hires to discuss succession planning. While the priority is to get them up to speed for their current role, it’s also imperative to paint the picture for what the future could hold.  


If you’re hiring, let us help. Get connected with us today. 


About LaSalle Network

LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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